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                新闻中心 当前位置:首页>新闻中心>新闻中心


                网址:www.neohiostonesand.com  2023-07-17  作者:admin    阅读:

                高速收费岛模具如何生产更加快捷,和选材,生产工艺,加工人员以◥及后期使用等有关系。模具在国内发展相当稳定▓,已经取的了已经的成就和进步,如今积极开拓国外市场≡,在这个过程当中当然存在很多的问题,产业化升级,产品的升级这些急需解决的问题都在无时无刻提醒着我们要努力,不努力就〓要落后。高速钢模╳具除了要选用高品质的模具之外,对于材质的要求也是很高的,必须采♂用天然的麻石机经剥削加工而成,材质的强度也必须★合格,表面不能有瑕疵,光滑,洁型线  流水槽模具 景观石 检查井钢模〓具 保定通∑风管道 隔离墩模具 保定←保洁公司净,边角不得有缺角,无明显的色差,色斑,装卸时要@轻,稳,慢以防磕碰损坏材料。高速收费岛模具必须选用一级钢板,内壁不得有凸起的小泡☆或凹进去的小坑,这样都会影◥响整个水泥制品的外形美观度。收费岛在加工∏时必须采用先进的仪器↘按照统一的标准进行下料,面对路边的一面必须采用抛光机,长宽误差允许在》20mm。
                How to produce high-speed toll Island molds more quickly is related to material selection, production technology, processing personnel and later use. The development of molds in China is quite stable and has made great achievements and progress. Now we are actively exploring foreign markets. Of course, there are many problems in this process. Industrialization upgrading and product upgrading are urgent problems that remind us to work hard all the time. If we don't work hard, we will fall behind. In addition to selecting high-quality molds, high-speed steel molds also have high requirements for materials. They must be made by exploiting and processing natural masonry machines, and the strength of materials must also be qualified. The surface must be free of defects, smooth and clean, and the edges and corners must be free of missing corners, obvious color difference and color spots. Loading and unloading should be light, stable and slow to prevent bumping and damaging materials. The mould of high-speed toll island must be made of first-class steel plate, and there shall be no convex bubbles or concave pits on the inner wall, which will affect the appearance beauty of the whole cement product. During the processing of toll Island, advanced instruments must be used for blanking according to unified standards. The side facing the roadside must be polished with a length and width error of 20mm.

