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                新闻中心 当前位置:首页>新闻中心>新闻中心


                网址  2023-06-21  作者:admin    阅读:

                扭→王块钢模具是一种在海边使用的预制块模具,扭王块钢模具也可以称之为防浪块模具,其结构比较简单,一般都是呈现棱锥的模式,同现在长江水域使用的透水三棱锥预制块有些类似。扭王块模板生产原理主要是结合对不同环境,不同样式,呈现的主体为三棱型或者正方体的样式。一般情况下扭王字预制块都是专门在预制厂生产的,而根据每种预制块的样式,都有专门定制的模具阳雕刻 手套生产设备□  果树反光膜 北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 排水槽模具进行预制生产。
                Twisted block steel mold is a type of prefabricated block mold used in the seaside. Twisted block steel mold can also be called anti wave block mold, and its structure is relatively simple, usually presenting a pyramid pattern, which is somewhat similar to the permeable triangular pyramid prefabricated block used in the Yangtze River water area today. The production principle of the twisted block template is mainly based on the combination of different environments and styles, with the main body presented as a triangular or cubic style. In general, the twisted king shaped prefabricated blocks are specially produced in the prefabrication factory, and according to the style of each prefabricated block, there are specially customized molds for prefabrication production.
                For coastal and offshore areas, twisted blocks can be prefabricated using raw materials such as sand, stone, and freshwater from the mainland and placed around the coast for coastal protection. However, for the construction of offshore and deep-sea islands, there are currently challenges in long-distance transportation of raw materials, as well as a lack of freshwater and river sand. The offshore distance of islands in the South China Sea is more than 1500km at most, and the offshore distance of islands in the East China Sea is about 530km at most. If fresh water, river sand and other materials are transported from land, or seawater desalination, sea sand and non chlorination treatment of coarse aggregate are carried out at construction sites, it will cost a lot of money. The production of existing twist blocks is usually done using machinery combined with manual labor. The current molds used for the manufacture of twist blocks are time-consuming and labor-intensive during installation and disassembly, which is not conducive to reducing labor costs

