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                网址:www.neohiostonesand.com  2023-06-03  作者:admin    阅读:

                The selection of raw materials, as well as the processing and production of shield steel molds, are strictly controlled. They have excellent seismic and compressive performance when applied to high-speed trains, high-speed railways, and bridges. This type of shield steel mold needs to be planned before production, as the performance of the products used in each place is different. Therefore, before selecting materials for production, it is necessary to carefully choose whether the materials meet the standards, which production process to use, and so on, For example, the shield steel mold used on high-speed trains needs to withstand significant stress and friction, requiring the mold's size and accuracy to be particularly fine, without errors, and to ensure sufficient service life. This is related to the selection of raw materials. The production process of steel molds is greatly different from that of other material molds, so mature technicians are more needed to operate during production and processing.
                After the use of the shield ste家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工♀  保定养※老院  保定防水el mold, certain protective measures are required to prevent aging and prolong its use time. So, what are some common knowledge about maintenance after the use of the shield steel mold? Firstly, the maintenance method of the shield steel mold is different from that of the shield plastic mold, which is determined by the different materials. Strictly follow the production regulations and requirements when producing the shutter steel mold. The shutter steel mold is made of high-strength anti-aging materials with strong toughness and strong pressure resistance, and has low requirements for storage environment. The new type of shield steel mold, stored together with chemicals, will not cause corrosion and has acid and alkali resistance. It is currently the most commonly used material for making shield steel molds on high-speed railways and bridges

