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                网址:www.neohiostonesand.com  2023-05-29  作者:admin    阅读:

                The toll island mold is also known as the anti-collision island mold and the ship island mold. It is used to cast the mold for the concrete toll island of the toll station. The mold has a variety of shapes and sizes. The manufacturer needs to customize the processing according to the construction drawings when making the toll island mold. Only in this way can the toll island mold produced be accurately applied to the project.
                目前,所有的收费岛模具全部为钢模具,原材料选用的↘是Q235型号钢板,板厚3mm,如果想要让收费岛模具达到更高的周转次数,定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 遮阳网 风电基础模具可选用4mm钢板制作,钢板越厚模具的强度越好,使用寿命越长,随之,模具的价格也会越高。
                At present, all the toll island molds are steel molds. The raw materials are Q235 steel plates with a thickness of 3mm. If you want to make the toll island molds achieve higher turnover times, you can use 4mm steel plates. The thicker the steel plates, the better the strength of the mold, the longer the service life, and the higher the price of the mold.

