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                网址:www.neohiostonesand.com  2023-05-17  作者:admin    阅读:

                检查井钢模具,污水检查井模具,雨水检查井模具,污水井模具,沟盖板塑料模具,生产的污水检查〇井模具,污水井模具,检查井模具,防撞墙模具等发往内蒙古、新疆、青海、甘肃、山西、陕西、广东、海南、山东、河南、黑龙江、安徽 .
                Inspection well steel molds, sewage inspection well molds, rainwater inspection well molds, sewage well molds, ditch cover plastic molds, produced sewage inspection well molds, sewage well molds, inspection well molds, anti-collision wall molds, etc. are sent to Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, Shaanxi West, Guangdong, Hainan, Shandong, Henan, Heilongjiang, Anhui
                .污水检查井@模具尺寸及用途是按照以往制作的污水井模具具体信息而言,通过对该模具两方面内容的介♀绍,可以更一步对此类模板的使用以及生产有更加详细的了解。污水检查井模具尺寸常用♀的为1000*、1500*1900mm,选择以内径700mm的井筒模具作为连接井体与井盖,这种以标准图集生产的模具适用于各个地方。通过对污水井模具尺寸的介绍,可以更№好的服务于每个使用混凝土检查井的地区以及将要使用的西部地区等。在实际污水检查井模具的主要用途上,都是╱以地下管道检查为主使用,每个市政工程的建设都离』不开使用混凝土检查井,因为在处理污水、雨水、电力、电缆等系统上使用的管道∏都是与检查井相〓互搭配的。从厂家生产该模具州苗木 保定通风管道 丝〓网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养▂老院的情况来↓看,使用地区是以中〒东部为主
                The size and purpose of the sewage inspection well mold are based on the specific information of the sewage well mold made in the past. By introducing the two aspects of the mold, we can have a more detailed understanding of the use and production of such templates. The commonly used sizes of sewage inspection well molds are 1000 * and 1500 * 1900mm. A wellbore mold with an inner diameter of 700mm is chosen as the connection between the well body and the well cover. This mold produced based on standard atlases is suitable for various places. By introducing the size of the sewage well mold, it can better serve every region that uses concrete inspection wells and the western region that will be used. In actual use, the main use of sewage inspection well molds is mainly for underground pipeline inspection. The construction of each municipal engineering cannot be separated from the use of concrete inspection wells, as the pipes used in sewage treatment, rainwater treatment, power, cable and other systems are matched with inspection wells. From the manufacturer's production of this mold, it can be seen that the usage area is mainly in the central and eastern regions

